Why Al based ATCC Movable?
The ATCC Movable system comprises a smart GPU- powered kit, Camera with batteries and other essential accessories, making it highly effective for vehicle detection at any time and in any location. This system is particularly valuable for Traffic Managers and DPR (Detailed Project Report) consultants, aiding them in efficient traffic management and planning.

How ATCC Movable works?
Our supplied cameras are strategically placed at suitable angles to ensure without occlusion of vehicles. A GPU kit, installed alongside the cameras, processes the video data using advanced analytics for accurate detection and classification. The results are displayed in real-time on a dashboard and can be shared with your customers, providing valuable insights into traffic patterns.
Key features
Detects more than 13 Classes, covering most of the IRC Classes(16 Classes).
Achieves accuracy of more than 90 - 95% for Counting & Classification (Excluding Occlusion) after post audit
Free Flow Traffic Count & Classification up to 4 lanes
Portable and easily transported to any location
Designed specially for Indian roads.
Detects vehicle axle configuration.
COS AI Classes
Two Wheeler / Cycle
Three - Wheeler / Auto Rickshaw
Car / Jeep / Van / Taxi
LCV 2 & 3-Axle
BUS-Mini / Full
Truck 2-Axle
Truck 3-Axle
Truck 4-Axle
Truck 6-Axle & Multi-Axle
Cycle Rickshaw
Other(pl.specify) Drown
Agri. Tractor - Without Trailor
Agri. Tractor - With Trailor
Terms & Conditions
The client is responsible for covering the costs associated with Uninterrupted Power Supply, lighting, Internet facilities, Network Cabling. Camera mounting, and any other miscellaneous works.
Camera installations must be positioned at a minimum height of 12 feet above the surface.
The video coverage area must not have stationary vehicles parked within it. Only through-traffic is preferred.
Usage in areas with mixed traffic, such as road crossings, traffic signals, or leakage roads, is not recommended.
If a customer requests usage on road crossings, service roads, leakage roads, etc., a separate product should be explored.